Kathy McNeil PhD completed

Kathy McNeill final submission photoCongratulations to Kathy on completing her corrections and submitting the final thesis for the award of her PhD.  Kathy’s thesis was entitled “An Investigation of Self-Structure, Social Identity and Norms in Medical Student Wellbeing” and several papers have already come out of this line of work.  Kathy’s PhD is part of our “Prevalence to Process” project.

The thesis explores the unique issues for wellbeing facing medical students, what can be learned from applying the broader social psychology literature on self, identity and wellbeing, and what, in turn, can be learned from exploring the particular experience of medical education.

KathyDeskDec2013Several papers have already been published from Kathy’s thesis, including:

AMSA logoThe final study from Kathy’s thesis involved 330 medical students from Australia, New Zealand, and assorted medical schools in Europe and Asia. The paper is still in preparation after collecting some similar comparison data from Psychology students.

NZMSA logoWe were very grateful for the assistance of representatives from AMSA and NZMSA for making our study known to a wide group of medical students.  The results from this study have informed our ongoing thinking around these issues and we hope will be published in due course.