We are pleased to have a book chapter in the 2017 book on Self and Social Identity in Educational Contexts. The chapter examines several of the complexities and identity conflicts in medical education. We combine the work we have done looking at identity and approaches to learning (deep and surface) with our work on medical student well-being, and analyse some of the conflicting demands on both students and educators.
Medical education is an important context of research precisely because the complexities are a good test for models of how identity impacts on learning and well-being. Other chapters in the book offer additional perspectives on issues relevant to medical education and identity.
McNeill, K. G., Smyth, L., & Mavor, K. I. (2017). The complexity of medical education: Social identity and normative influence in well-being and approaches to learning. In K. I. Mavor, M. J. Platow, & B. Bizumic (Eds.), Self and Social Identity in Educational Contexts. Abingdon: Routledge.