The contact information provided to the Prevalence to Process project through the sign-up form or via an email or social media invitation, will be automatically entered into a research participant register maintained on a secure Qualtrics server (based in the EU) and accessible only to members of the project team. Access to the register is regulated by the project leader (Ken Mavor).
The contact information will be used solely for the purpose of supporting this research project, which may include:
- Invitations to participate in specific research activities (such as online questionnaires, or interviews);
- Feedback on your participation in a research activity;
- Occasional reports on the activities of the project.
At each major contact point with the project you will have an opportunity to Opt-Out of the register through an automatic link. You can also Opt-Out of the register at any time by directly contacting the project leader (Ken Mavor) through the website contact page or directly by email ( ken.mavor [at] ).
The creation and use of this research contact register is approved by the St Andrews Human Research Ethics Committee, and is managed in accord with EU data management principles. If you have any concerns about our execution of data protection and privacy arrangements you can contact the project leader (Ken Mavor) or the ethics committee.